Payment Options

City Center Chiropractic wants everyone to be able to enjoy a long life in excellent health, with the help of chiropractic. To that end, we provide a variety of ways for you to pay for your services.


We are currently a preferred provider with Premera Blue Cross, including the Federal Employee Program. We encourage you to call ahead and ask about coverage, as our staff are happy to explain how it all works and the plans we accept. Be advised, however, that insurance does not pay for care beyond the initial Crisis Phase. It will be up to you to take responsibility for your care eventually.

Pay Out of Pocket: Take Control of Your Health

Insurance can be complicated, and involves a lot of waiting and uncertainty. Many patients without sufficient coverage enjoy the freedom and immediacy of paying us directly for their care each time they come. We can even work with you to find a monthly payment that fits within your budget, if needed.

Health on a Budget: Chiro Health USA

We envision a world in which every person can enjoy chiropractic's wonderful benefits. Therefore, we have contracted with Chiro Health USA (or "CHUSA") which is a legal way to provide a discounted care in order to provide a discounted rate to their members. This is an especially good option for those whose insurance does not provide sufficient coverage for them to take advantage of all the chiropractic treatment they want or need.

If you already have a CHUSA membership from elsewhere, please bring your card with you so that we can give you your discount! Also, once you're signed up at our office, you can ask other chiropractors when you travel throughout the US if they have discounts for CHUSA members!


We are happy to help our patients enjoy their later years just as much as their earlier ones, as we strongly believe it is possible for everyone to live fully no matter their age! However, the government's coverage for chiropractic is very limited. Our office does accept Medicare patients, but is "non-participating".

What this means is that your fees for some spinal adjustments will be reduced, but you should expect to pay in full for most services. We will bill Medicare, and they may reimburse you directly for some of the cost of your spinal adjustments, so long as you have symptoms (acute care only). If you have secondary coverage, they may also contribute something towards your care.  We understand this is a complicated situation, and we encourage you to ask us about CHUSA as an option to help reduce the cost of non-covered services. We're here to help guide you through all this, so that you can enjoy the benefits of chiropractic just as much as anyone else. Just ask, and our front desk can provide details.

Hardship Discounts, and Flexibility of Payment

Maybe you want to take advantage of chiropractic's benefits, but you think you could never afford it.  Maybe you think of your health as a luxury item, to be put off until things are more stable for you financially.  We all need a little help from time to time, and that's okay!  We don't want you to have to put the health of your nervous system on the "back burner" because of money.

That's why our office has policies in place to help you afford our services, even if your income is very low.  Our friendly, caring staff is here to help work with you to be able to get the care you need to get you out of pain.  All you have to do is pick up the phone and ask for help.

Office Hours


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 5:30 pm


3:00 pm - 5:30 pm


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 5:30 pm


8:00 am - 1:00 pm


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 5:30 pm





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